Thursday, June 30, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Common Phrases
Common phrases I often say:
- Cool Beans!
- Coolio!
- K Cool
- Fucktard!
- And they're on their fucking cell phone.
- People are fucktards.
- I'm surrounded by idiots.
- I Forgot, Sorry.
- Right on
I am sure there are more, but these are by far the most commonly used.
Friday, June 24, 2005
About Me
LAYER ONE: On The Outside
- Name: TJ Lawrence
- Nicknames: Teej, Titty Jaye, Mr Law
- Birthdate: 10/16/77
- Birthplace: Warren, Ohio
- Current Location: Orlando, FL
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Height: 5'11''
- Righty or Lefty: Righty
- Zodiac Sign: Libra
- Religion: My Own, I'll explain later in a future post.
- Sex: Gender? Male.
LAYER TWO: In The Inside
- Your heritage: The farthest back that I have traced my line to is 1702 Germany, I was recently able to trace a section of my line to Ireland and Scotland.
- The shoes you wore today: Brown pair of Vans
- Who you look like: I've been told I Look Like Jesus Christ, Lorenzo Llamas, and even Yani
- Your weakness: Tobacco, by far
- Your fears: Severe Injury or death of my family members.
- Your perfect pizza: Pizza Hut - Pepperoni and Mushroom Pan
- Goal you'd like to achieve: Retired, Living on a 50ft Yacht in Key West with a second ship running Charters for tourist making me filthy rich.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
- Your most overused phrase on AIM/MSN: by far " LOL "
- Your thoughts first waking up: Was it me who turned off the alarm?
- Your best physical feature: uhm uhm .. yeah uhm
- Your bedtime: between 11:30 and 0100 Mon - Fri Sat & Sun 0130 - 0230
- Your most missed memory: $1.1 Million on Paper at 22 years old
- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
- McDonalds or Burger King: McD's
- Single or group dates: Single, although group is fun too.
- Adidas or Nike: Vans
- Chocolate or vanilla: Mint Chocolate Chip
- Cappuccino or coffee: Starbuck's Guatemala Antigua
LAYER FIVE: Do You?- Smoke: Currently, no
- Curse: I lost count of the amount of F-words I just used in a conversion with my mom.
- Sing: Uhm not really
- Have had a crush(es): Yes, My Math teacher in High School, was only 4 years different in age, she was fresh out of college.
- Think you've been in love: Yes, Jen is my fourth love.
- Want to get married: Yes, Jen will be the one and only person I want to marry.
- Believe in yourself: Yes, I can do anything I want to, If I get around to it.
- Motion sickness: Not I
- Think you're attractive: I know it, but not in an arrogant way, women have told me.
- Think you're a health freak: uhm, not by any means
- Get along with your parents: I do now, I didn't as a teen. In either case they do annoy me at times.
- Like thunderstorms: Love them. Hurricanes too!
- Play an instrument: The Trombone, Hopefully soon the Bagpipes.
LAYER SIX: Have you ever...
- Smoked: Yes, Tobacco is my one a true complete weakness I fight it daily.
- Done a drug: More than I should have, my short-term memory has been permanently damaged, I forget shit all the time.
- Gone to the mall?: Yup
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Hell No, I think I would die from the amount of sugar involved
- Eaten sushi: YES although Wasabi usually out ways the sushi.
- Been on stage: Yes in grade school, I don't remember it but I've seen the pictures.
- Gone skating: Yes both Skates and Skateboarding, I surf too
- Gone skinny dipping: I LOVE being naked, skinny dipping is but a small step in parading around naked
- Stolen anything: Yes
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Of Course, A variation of Truth or Dare and A Card Game.
- Been caught "doing something": Yup, mom caught me face down under the covers in my bedroom as a teen
- Been called a tease: Nope, i normally stay in relationships for a long time.
- Gotten beaten up: Yes, Don't ever call a black future murderer a Nigger. I did as a kid, he showed back up with ten of his friends and pounded me to a pulp. About 6 months later the kid murdered some kid with a metal baseball bat.
- Shoplifted: Yup, was arrested and given 40 work hours at the age of 13 for shoplifting the hell out of some knives from Sears in Orange Park, FL. I had a restraining order from the store on me till my 18th birthday.
LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
- Age you hope to be married: 28
- Numbers and Names of Children: 1, Draven Luke
- Describe your dream wedding: Kilted, In a Castle
- How do you want to die: Peacefully
- What do you want to be when you grow up: I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us Kid....
- What country would you most like to visit: Scotland
Layer Eight: Misc.
- Most Practiced Hobby: Web Page building
- Most Missed Hobby: Homebrewing Beer & Surfing
- Special Interests: Time travel / physics
- Most Precious Materialistic Possession: My Nassau Blue 1998 Corvette
- Do Aliens exist?: It would be mighty arrogant of us to think that they don't
- Political Party: Staunch Libertarian
- Firearms?: We should have Open Carry.
- Speed limits?: Are Just plain stupid and mere suggestive guidelines in my opinion.
- Favorite TV Channel: The Science Channel, but anything geeky is my kind of TV
- Most Hated TV Programming: "Reality TV"
- What Pisses Me Off The Most: Blatant Incompetence
- Most wondered question: WTF goes through people minds who get behind the wheel of their car and insist on driving slower tan the speed limit?
- Favorite Quote: Colonel Angus, My Dixie Wrecked!
- Favorite Historical Quote: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. " - Benjamin Franklin
- Age Lost Viginity At: 13
LAYER NINE: In a partner
- Best eye color?: The coolest eye color is a Starburst Brown
- Best hair color?: Brunette / Dark Hair
- Short or long hair: Long
- Height: shorter than me please
- Best articles of clothing: Baggy Tshirt and a G-String only, Decent for public viewing low cut jeans
- Most liked body part: the Lower back just above the uhm ... bum bum
LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
- Number of drugs taken illegally: 8 - Pot, Coke, LSD, Uppers, Downers, Alcohol, Tobacco, Freon
- Number of CDs that you own: 165ish - although they are now mostly boxed up and ripped to Mp3. 150 cds takes up roughly 3.5GB of hard drive space at 196kbs.
- Number of piercings: 4g Tongue, 14g L ear, 7/16" L ear, 7/16" R ear, 8g Frenum, Closed naval
- Number of tattoos: 9
- Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: I landed myself in the Jacksonville Florida Times Union with a suspected Broken Leg from Crowd Surfing during a Warped Tour back in 1996. The leg turned out to be severely sprained, but the newspaper reflected a broken leg.
Wear Red On Fridays
I received the following email this morning from a dear family member.
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for opening this one upMay we all have the brave heart to wear RED on every Friday from here on. I am going to try my hardest to. Nowto go out and buy some more Red Shirts!!!!
You will soon see a lot of people wearing Red on Fridays. Here'swhy .....
The Americans who support our troops, are the silent majority.We are not "organized" to reflect who we are, or to reflect whatour opinions are.
Many Americans, like yourself, would like to start a grassrootsmovement using the membership of the Special OperationsAssociation, and Special Forces Associations, and all theirfriends, simply, to recognize that Americans support our troops. Weneed to inform the local VFW's and American Legion, our localpress, local TV, and continue carrying the message to the nationallevels as we start to get this going. Our idea of showing oursolidarity and support for our troops are -starting Friday, andcontinuing on each and every Friday, until this is over, that everyred - blooded American who supports our young men and women, WEARSOMETHING RED.
Word of mouth, press, TV -- let's see if we can make the UnitedStates, on any given Friday, a sea of red much like a home footballgame at a University.
If everyone of our memberships share this with otheracquaintances, fellow workers, friends, and neighbors, I guaranteethat it will not be long before the USA will be covered in RED -and make our troops know there are many people thinking of theirwell-being. You will feel better all day Friday when you wear Red!
Let's get the word out and lead by example; wear RED on Fridays.I sent this out to everyone on my email list; hopefully, youwill too.
Please forward this to everyone you know!!
Wear Red on Fridays ....
My Reply Was This
I support the troops and their humanity, however I do not support their current cause, and will only wholeheartedly support them once they begin defending our boarders and stop preemptive strikes on nations "That might attack the US". Our soldiers volunteered to join the military knowing full well that they could end up fighting wars for corrupt politicians; who need others to do their dirty work. By doing so, they support the corrupt. As citizens supporting the troops in their preemptive battles, they support the corrupt politicians. So when someone does attack the US because "They are all evil and deserve to pay the price of death" then those who the US perceives as evil are exactly right. How would you feel if lets say China showed up on our beaches guns a blazing touting that they are going to overthrow our corrupt leaders and instill a better government?
I have friends in the military, I would be very upset if they died in combat fighting a pointless political battle. At the same time, they knew full well what they signed up for. They've calculated the risk, and determined that staying in the military was the best thing for them to do for themselves and their families.
If someone were to invade the US soil, I would gladly join the fight not only by supporting those who are fighting with nonsense like wearing Red shirts on Fridays, driving with my headlights on, or buying a useless magnetic sticker for my vehicle. I would support them with my own Rifle, my own ammunition and with my own blood.
Our nation's foreign policy has gone from a nation accepting the ideas of foreign nations to a nation living in fear because they've let their politicians create the fear by constantly keeping the nation in battles with other nations.
I however, refuse to support a nation who thinks that killing people because they might kill us is the right thing to do. That's like saying that a city has the right to ticket everyone that is a citizen because they might get in their car and speed. Or that a state can arbitrarily put people on death row because they might go out and murder someone.
If you think living in the United States is living in freedom, you are badly mistaken. We may be the best country to live when it comes the freedoms we do have, but we are not free people. We are bound by a socialist society who thinks that they should get something for free simply because someone else is richer than they are. We are bound by a government who illegally forces taxes and social programs onto it citizens by forcing them to wave their right to not be taxed. We are bound by contradicting laws that most people do not know even exist. We are bound by an apathetic public who doesn't realize that they can fix the entire nation with just a couple elections if only they woke up and paid attention to what is happening around them. People are sheep, a bunch of frogs in hot water.
More an more people are beginning to wake up and smell the coffee. It takes time to wake a nation who's been sleeping since before the Cival War. Hopefully there will be a change in the nation, and hopefully it wont get ugly.
A thought to ponder
I recently had a chance to walk the Vietnam Memorial Wall in D.C. The experience brought tears to my eyes as I spoke to these fallen soldiers. I felt guilty for living, knowing that they died fighting over an issue that wasn't even theirs. I apologized on behalf of my nation, for continuing to place them in harms way and I apologized on behalf of the nation's public, for treating their surviving comrades like crap once they returned home.
They were fighting to maintain freedom for another country and not preemptively striking that country, they were stuck losing their lives in droves because a few politicians were too stubborn to walk away from a battle that they knew they could not win.
Does supporting soldiers in this example contradict things I have said above, yes it does. Why, because soldiers are human no matter what battle they are fighting in. They make mistakes like I do. Did they all truly join the military to support a cause for a corrupt politician, No. Do they all want to continue fighting, No. Do they simply want to come back home to be with their families, Yes. Do I support them in that decision, Absolutely.
The moral of this whole thing is that humans are flawed on all sides of the issue, and the only truly free people are those who've already passed.
Here are a few quotes to ponder.
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Freedom rings where opinions clash.
The world's 'freeest' country has the highest number in prison.