Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sound Bytes From A Couple Favorite Movies

These are not exactly my favorite all time movies, just movies that make me laugh or bring me fun memories. I found this Sound Byte Site while looking for a new sound for my incomming mail. Gunery Sgt. Hartman is getting a bit old. As much as I love his potty mouth.

Full Metal Jacket Soundboard 1
Full Metal Jacket Soundboard 2

Real Genius - Full Soundbyte Board Here

Chris: “Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of Sun God robes, on a pyramid, with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?”
Mitch: “No.”
Chris: “Why am I the only person that has that dream?”


Chris: “Moles and trolls, moles and trolls. Work, work, work, work, work. We never see the light of day! We plan this thing for weeks and all they want to do is study! I'm disgusted, I'm sorry, but it's not like me, I'm depressed!”


Beetlejuice - Full Soundbyte Board Here

Beetlejuice: “Nice fucking model!”


Judge Dredd - Full Soundbyte Board Here

Fergie: “Mister 'I am the law'!”

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

(Best Beavis & Butthead Mannerisms) Obeying the Law! Obeying the Law!

So damn funny, an example of how stupid laws are and what happens when people actually obey the law.

Meditation On Speed Limit

Monday, March 27, 2006

If I only had $950

If I only had $950, this would be mine right now!

Friday, March 17, 2006

IP Search Tool For Uber Geeks

This search tool uses Google Maps to pinpoint the location of an IP Address.

LMAO - Crop Circle!!!

I Love Google Maps, This is too damn funny!,-0.985106&spn=0.000907,0.001266&t=k