Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Job Search Woes

Already I start to feel as if the job search is just pointless. Had a third interview yesterday, thought it went great, the job had some really weird conditions to it, but would have paid pretty decent money, more money than what I was getting paid before I got layed off. They did not call me back, feels kinda crappy. It's probably a good thing, and things do happen for reasons, but it doesn't make you feel good inside to know that they didn't want me in the end.

I had interviews with an IT job placement company, again thinking those went well, but received no calls back, and all calls to them have not been returned.

Was called yesterday by a Home Construction Company for a Systems admin position, was told that I would see an email with interview times to schedule an interview, again no email, no second call, nothing.

It is me, is this the way peeps go about hiring people, or is it just the slow time of the year for hiring people. Let's just hope its not me.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Faerie Queen said...

Something will fall into place. I know it will.


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